
Digital Control Card Based on Digital Signal Processor

  • 摘要: 研制了用于加速器射频低电平系统的数字信号处理器(DSP)控制卡。该插卡使用两个数字信号处理器,实现了3路PID(比例-积分-微分)调整、在线参数整定等功能。与传统模拟控制相比,数字控制方式具有较高的灵活性,降低了100 MeV加速器射频系统,特别是射频低电平系统开发的复杂程度。控制器输入级使用采样率为500 kHz的 18位高精度高速AD转换器,经测量,控制带宽高于20 kHz。此数字控制器已用于100 MeV加速器低电平控制系统试验原型。经测试,控制器增益及零点在控制器带宽内全程可调。


    Abstract: A digital control card based on digital signal processor was developed. Two Freescale DSP-56303 processors were utilized to achieve 3 channels proportional-integral-differential regulations. The card offers high flexibility for 100 MeV cyclotron RF system development. It was used as feedback controller in low level radio frequency control prototype, with the feedback gain parameters continuously adjustable. By using high precision analog to digital converter with 500 kHz sampling rate, a regulation bandwidth of 20 kHz was achieved.


