Design Theory of Sandwich Combine Detector for Neutron and γ-ray
摘要: 针对可能存在的单次脉冲高γ射线与中子比、10 ns级γ射线和10 ms级聚变中子辐射场,根据射线与物质的相互作用原理,初步提出了综合利用电流和计数模式的方法对辐射场中的γ射线和聚变中子进行探测。该辐射场中的γ射线脉冲比聚变中子提前到达,从而降低了辐射探测背景,更有利于信号的提取。Abstract: Based on the assumption that there is a neutron and γ radiation field with single and pulsed and high γ/n ratio, and the time spectrum FWHM is about 10 ns and several 10 ms, respectively for γ-ray and fusion neutron, it brings forward the detection theory for the above radiation under the current and count mode. Because of the earlier arrival of γ-ray,it reduces the background radiation and is propitious to pick up the signal.