
Correction Method for Critical Extrapolation of Control-Rods-Rising During Physical Start-Up of Reactor

  • 摘要: 反应堆物理启动提棒外推临界时,外推临界曲线常出现外凸现象。若按此曲线外推,将导致超临界。本文分析了出现这种现象的原因,引入一种外推临界修正方法,并进行了实例计算。与实际反应堆物理启动参数进行的比较表明:此方法较好地改善了曲线外凸现象,按修正后的曲线进行临界外推,可降低反应堆启动期间出现超临界现象的风险。


    Abstract: During physical start-up of nuclear reactor, the curve got by lifting the control rods to extrapolate to the critical state is often in protruding shape, by which the supercritical phenomena is led. In the paper, the reason why the curve was in protruding was analyzed. A correction method was introduced, and the calculations were carried out by the practical data used in a nuclear power plant. The results show that the correction method reverses the protruding shape of the extrapolating curve, and the risk of reactor supercritical phenomena can be reduced using the extrapolated curve got by the correction method during physical start-up of the reactor.


