
Detection of Hidden Explosives by Fast Neutron Activation Analysis

  • 摘要: 叙述了快中子活化法检测隐蔽爆炸物的原理、方法及其优点。采用K-400高压倍加器产生的14 MeV快中子对TNT、黑索金、硝胺及土制炸药等4种炸药、10余种常见物品和用土壤层覆盖的TNT样品进行快中子活化分析,测定各种样品的氮氧含量,建立被测物单位质量氮和氧计数率的二维分布,取得了爆炸物识别特征区,并用计算机模式识别方法进行判别。结果表明,此方法误判率和漏判率较低。Monte-Carlo模拟结果显示,在距中子源15 m以外,基本无辐射剂量,被测物经检测1 h后,总剂量小于环境本底剂量。本方法可用于远程控制快中子活化多探测器阵列检测爆炸物。


    Abstract: The paper describes the method and principle for detection of hidden explosive by fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA). The method of detection of explosives by FNAA has the specific properties of simple determination equipments, high reliability, and low detecting cost, and would be beneficial to the applicability and popularization in the field of protecting and securing nation. The contents of nitrogen and oxygen in four explosives, more then ten common materials and TNT samples covered with soil, were measured by FNAA. 14 MeV fast neutrons were generated from (d,t) reaction with a 400 kV Cockcroft Walton type accelerator. The two-dimension distributions for nitrogen and oxygen counting rates per unit mass of determined matters were obtained, and the characteristic area of explosives and non-explosives can be defined. By computer aided pattern recognition, the samples were identified with low false alarm or omission rates. The Monte-Carlo simulation indicates that there is no any radiation at 15 m apart from neutron source and is safe for irradiation after 1 h. It is suggested that FNAA may be potential in remote controlling for detection hidden explosive system with multi-probe large array.


