
Research on Image Reconstruction of DR/SSCT Security Inspection System

  • 摘要: 在箱包DR(Digital Radiography)/CT安全检查系统基础上,开发了箱包DR/SSCT(single slice spiral CT)检查系统,该系统可改善原系统检测客体耗时和漏检方面的缺点。研究工作分为更改数据采集系统和设计SSCT重建算法两部分,分别在模拟实验和物理实验中比较了各种SSCT重建算法的重建效果,并利用探测器数据插值提高重建图像质量。通过实验对照,本系统采用了360° LI(Linear Interpolation)和JH-HI(Jiang Hsieh-Half scan Interpolation)加权重建算法。


    Abstract: On the basis of DR (Digital Radiography)/CT security inspection system, DR/SSCT (single slice spiral CT) security inspection system was developed. This spiral CT system can improve the CT system’s drawbacks. The research work includes in replacing the former data acquisition system by a new system which can acquire projection data of multi-slices and devising the SSCT reconstruction algorithms. Simulation experiments and practical experiments were devised to contrast several algorithms. Interpolation technique was operated in detectors data in order to improve the algorithms. In conclusion, the system exploits an algorithm of weighted average of 360° LI (Linear Interpolation) and JH-HI (Jiang Hsieh-Half scan Interpolation).


