
Relationship of Soil Sample Quantities and γ-ray Energies for Environmental Radioactivity Survey

  • 摘要: 用γ谱仪分析环境土壤样品的放射性活度时,需将样品装在一定大小的圆柱形塑料盒内,习惯上总是将样品盒装满,而不考虑待分析的放射性核素发射何种能量γ射线。本文提出了样品装量与待测γ射线能量有关联的装样方法,并用蒙特卡罗方法模拟计算了不同能量γ射线的探测效率与样品装量之间的关系,得到用HPGe γ谱仪分析238U、232Th、226Ra和40K等放射性核素活度各自的最佳装样量。


    Abstract: In order to survey environmental soil radioactivity with γ-spectrometer, customarily, the soil samples always are fully filled in a definite-size plastic box, paying no attention to the γ-ray energy emitting from the nuclides in a sample to be analyzed. The paper presents a new filling-sample method by which the sample quantity filled in a box depends on the energies of γ-rays to be measured. The detection efficiencies of HPGe detector were calculated by using Monte-Carlo method for various γ-ray energies and at various soil sample quantities in a box, and the optimal filling-sample quantities for different-energy γ-rays from radioactive nuclides of 238U, 232Th, 226Ra, 40K, are respectively obtained.


