4.5 AGeV/c 16O-AgBr作用慢粒子间歇行为

Intermittency of Slow ParticlesProduced in 16O-AgBr Interactions at 4.5 AGeV/c

  • 摘要: 利用国际核乳胶实验合作组(EMU-01)提供的NIKFI-BR-2型乳胶片对4.5 AGeV/c 16O-AgBr作用产生的慢粒子分布进行了测量,利用新的标度变量χ(cos θ)计算了标度阶乘矩。得出间歇指数随矩阶数的增加而增加,多重分形维数随矩阶数的增加而减小,揭示了4.5 AGeV/c 16O-AgBr中慢粒子产生的多分性。


    Abstract: A study on intermittency of slow particles produced in the interactions of 16O-AgBr at 4.5 AGeV/c with nuclear emulsion using the method of factorial moments, Fq, was performed. The dependence of the moments on the number of bins M was found to follow a power law behavior for the experimental data in terms of new scaled variable χ(cos θ). The results show that the intermittency exponent increases with the increase of moment order, and the generalized dimensions Dq decreases with the increase of moment order, q. This observation indicates the association of multifractality with production mechanism of slow particles.


