
Measurement of New Type Multi-strip Multi-gap Resistive Plate Chambers

  • 摘要: 为提高德国FOPI系统飞行时间的探测本领,运用新型多条多气隙阻性板探测器对FOPI系统进行升级改造。探测器的制作已完成,为保证探测器的质量,对它们进行了一系列的测量和质量确认。测试结果证明,系统的本底计数率分布在0.2 Hz/cm2附近,工作高压9.6 kV;利用γ射线放射源测试,时间分辨(包括闪烁体的时间分辨)分布在220~280 ps之间;采用质子束流测量,其探测效率可达98%以上,时间分辨可达75 ps


    Abstract: The production of the multi-strip multi-gap resistive plate chambers for FOPI’s Timeof Flight (TOF) upgrade was accomplished. In order to assure the timing performance and quality of all detectors in the mass production, a quality assurance chain for the counters was implemented. First, the high voltage (HV) test was performed to assure its HVstability up to 11 kV (125 kV/cm) and to determine the dark rates of the detectors. Then, the performance of all counters with calibrated electronics was tested using a gamma source and proton beam. For proton beam, the timing resolution of MMRPC can reach to 75 ps, and the efficiency can be better than 98%.


