Density Measurement for Foam Material of Low Atomic Number
摘要: 采用低能X射线对低原子序数(低Z)泡沫样品进行透射照相,以胶片作为记录介质,对材料密度进行测量。描述了测量方法的原理、系统的组成及测量数据的获取及其分析。采用此方法可实现泡沫样品密度的小批量测量。基于测试图像分析,可获得不同泡沫样品的平均密度、密度均方差、密度分布图像。该测量技术为CH泡沫类靶材制备工艺的进一步改善提供了有力的分析测试手段。Abstract: The density measurement technology of foam material with low atomic number was established by low energy X-ray radioscopy. The technology can obtain the average density, the image of density distribution, and density standard deviation of foam samples in batch. Based on the density image, the difference of various samples’ density can be observed clearly. The technology is important for the improvement of CH foam facture.