
Reactor Vessel Stress Analysis for CPR1000 Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 本文所计算的核反应堆压力容器是保证核安全的一道重要屏障,因此,要参照相应的规范和标准对其进行强度方面的分析和校核。通过有限元软件ANSYS建立压力容器的三维模型,计算压力容器在设计工况以及试验工况下,在压力、温度、堆内构件重力和接管载荷等各种载荷作用下的应力强度,并严格参照规范标准RCC-M B篇规定的各种工况下的应力准则,对压力容器进行强度评定。评定的结果表明,压力容器在计算的几类工况下,均符合规范标准RCC-M的强度要求。本工作的计算和分析也为我国核工业未来的设备设计制造走上国产化、标准化奠定了一定的基础。


    Abstract: The reactor vessel is an important safeguard for nuclear safe, it must insure that the reactor vessel as a pressure vessel meets the requirements of the RCC-M code by stress analysis. First, 3D model of the reactor vessel is built with ANSYS which is a finite element analysis software. Then, the stress intensities of the reactor vessel effected by different pressure, temperature, earthquake and other loads were computed. Last, the result with limits applicable showed in RCC-M was compared. This report shows that the reactor vessel meets the requirements of the RCC-M code under calculated condition and shows a good way for primary equipments stress analysis.


