300 kV加速管研制及应用
Development and Application of 300 kV Accelerating Tube
摘要: 300 kV加速管是专为HI-13串列加速器升级工程注入器改造研制的,将原有150 kV注入器台架升级到300 kV电位,为将来串列升级工程中的放射性核束及AMS超灵敏质谱分析提供更高的注入能量。该加速管总长1.256 m(绝缘长1.200 m),采用玻璃环和不锈钢电极片胶粘而成,耐压300 kV。Abstract: The 300 kV accelerating tube was specially developed for the HI-13 tandem accelerator injector upgrading in Beijing Radioactive Ion-Beam Facilities (BRIF) project to increase the injector platform potential from 150 to 300 kV and to meet the requirement of more injecting beam energy of havy ion for BRIF. The total length of the tube is 1.256 m, and it was made of glass insulators and stainless steel electrodes using sticking technology.