Simulation Study of Latent Explosive Detection by Using Neutron Back Scattering and Neutron Induced γ-ray Methods
摘要: 应用中子反散射法与中子俘获特征γ射线法,设计了1种利用小型脉冲中子源检测隐蔽爆炸物的原型装置,并进行了仿真研究。仿真结果表明,存在爆炸物时,反散射中子计数明显增加,对应于碳、氮、氧的中子诱发γ射线能量的计数大幅增加。Abstract: A prototype device was proposed to detect latent explosives based on neutron back scattering and activation methods. Monte-Carlo simulation was made, and the results indicate that the back scattering neutron and the gamma ray counts increase corresponding to carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. This increase can be used to determine the exist of latent explosive.