Statistical Error of Spin Transfer to Hyperon at RHIC Energy
摘要: 在测量RHIC/PHENIX上超子极化转移过程中,对极化转移的统计误差进行计算,并根据最小二乘法估计了极化转移的统计误差 σDLL与单自旋不对称的统计误差 σAL之间至少有2.7倍的差异。用简单的蒙特卡罗模拟验证了这个差异是确实存在的,估计计算与模拟的一致性证明在最后求解极化转移过程中设置统计误差的正确性。Abstract: From the RHIC/PHENIX experiment data, it is found that the statistical error of spin transfer is few times larger than the statistical error of the single spin asymmetry. In order to verify the difference between σDLLand σAL, the linear least-squares method was used to check it first, and then a simple Monte-Carlo simulation to test this factor again. The simulation is consistent with the calculation result which indicates that the few times difference is reasonable.