Design of Digital Regulating Loop Based on Field Programmable Gate Array
摘要: 根据磁铁稳流电源闭环控制的基本原理,将模拟调节器及相关的外围控制电路采用全数字化控制技术,并通过嵌入数字信号处理模块的现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)来实现,设计了数字调节器(DRL)。通过样机试验证明,该数字调节器可实现对电源的全数字化调节和控制,满足多数加速器对静态磁铁稳流电源的控制需求。Abstract: Based on the closeloop control principle of the power supply, the digital regulating loop (DRL) was designed and implemented in the field programmable gate array (FPGA) embeding digital signal processing module. A fully digital controlled power supply was realized based on the DRL. It is proved that the DRL meets the requirements for controlling and regulating a power supply for most accelerator current stabilized magnet power supply system.