
Calculation of Wire and Cable Transient Radiation Responses

  • 摘要: 应用Holland细线模型和时域传输线模型,并结合实验结论,对裸线、带保护层导线以及同轴电缆3种线缆的瞬态响应进行了数值研究。结果表明:对于裸线,负载较小时,负载的变化对负载电压电流、负载功率和负载能量的影响不大,负载较大时,对响应的影响较大;负载增大时,负载电流响应脉宽增加、幅度减小,负载功率存在最大值,但负载吸收能量却一直增大;负载响应与导线半径成正比、与光子能量成反比。对于带保护层导线,变化保护层厚度时,负载响应存在峰值。相同光子能量和芯线半径条件下,带保护层导线比裸线的响应小,同轴电缆比带保护层导线的响应小,减小幅度与光子能量有关。


    Abstract: For calculating the bare wire, the shielded wire and coaxial cable responses in X-ray environment, Holland thin wire model, transmission line model and the results of test were used. The numerical results indicate that the responses are not sensitive to the change of low load, but it is opposite to high load. The width of current pulse and the load energy are increased with the load, but the amplitude of the current is decreased, and the load power appears peak value. The responses are in the radius, and in inverse proportion to the X-ray energy. Above conclusions adapt to bare wire, for different medium layer thickness, there is peak value to the current amplitude. For the same photon energy and inner conductor radius, the responses of shielded wire are much smaller than bare wire, and the coaxial cable are smallest, however, the amplitude of change depends on the photon energy.


