
Thermodynamic Calculations for Reactions of Deuterium Displacing Hydrogen in Polystyrene-Divinylbenzene

  • 摘要: 聚苯乙烯-二乙烯基苯(SDB)是氢同位素分离技术中气-液交换反应重要的疏水催化剂载体。用密度泛函B3P86方法和基函数6-311G进行全电子计算,获得了SDB疏水官能团分子苯乙烯的基态电子状态、基态能量、离解能和几何参数。计算了苯乙烯上H、D排代反应的焓变、熵变和吉布斯函数变化,以及反应的平衡常数和气体压力比。计算结果表明,SDB上氘排代氢的反应有可能发生,但进行的程度较低,且随着反应温度的提高,这种排代将更难进行。同时,计算表明氢氘排代更易发生在苯环上,而乙烯基上的排代相对困难。


    Abstract: Polystyrene-divinylbenzene (SDB) is an important hydrophobic catalyst in gas-liquid exchange reactions to separate hydrogenous isotopes. Using method of B3P86 density functional theory and basis set 6-311G, the ground electronic state and its energy, dissociation energy, and geometrical parameters of styrene which acts as the hydrophobic functional fragment in SDB were computed. The internal energy, enthalpy, and entropy of H2 and D2 referred to the displacement reaction were calculated as well. Employing electron-vibration approximation theory, the enthalpy and entropy of styrene in solid state before and after displacement reactions were also calculated. Then the changes of enthalpy, entropy and Gibbs free energy, the reactive equilibrium constant, and the gas pressure ratio were all obtained. The results indicate the reaction of deuterium displacing hydrogen in SDB is possible to occur to a low level and will become more difficult with increasing temperature, and it occurs more easily in phenyl than in vinyl.


