
Numerical Analysis of Conjugate Heat Transfer for Liquid-Solid in Narrow Rectangular Channel

  • 摘要: 优化设计矩形窄缝流道角部非加热区时,需了解该区域固体的温度场及导热机理对换热的影响。本文采用CFD软件CFX对矩形窄缝通道内流固共轭传热进行了数值分析。研究结果表明:角部附近设计1 mm×2 mm非加热区域后,能够有效地避免角部热集中现象,非加热区对流道中间部位温度场的分布影响不大;非加热区域固体设置为导热边界条件时,角部附近加热面上的内壁面热流密度和温度的分布变得不均匀;固体金属材料的热传导使得非加热区域内固体的温度有所升高,有利于提高该区域流体的温度;非加热区域固体设置为绝热边界条件时,等体积热流密度和等壁面热流密度对矩形通道内的换热性能影响不大。


    Abstract: The solid temperature field and the effect of heat conduction mechanism of the solid on heat transfer near the corner in a narrow rectangular channel are required to further understand when the un-heating region is optimized. The liquid-solid conjugate heat transfer in a narrow rectangular channel was numerical analyzed by using CFD code CFX. The results show that the heating concentration phenomenon can be avoided when the un-heating region of 1 mm×2 mm near the corner is designed, and the effect of un-heating region on temperature field at the channel center is negligible. The distributions of inside wall heat flux and temperature are not uniform when heat conduction boundary condition of the solid near the un-heating region is set. The temperature of the solid in un-heating region is enhanced because of metal heat conduction, which contributes to enhance liquid temperature near the region. The effect of constant volume heat flux and constant wall heat flux on heat transfer is negligible when adiabatic boundary condition of solid near the un-heating region is set.


