
Research on Disposal of Waste Sodium

  • 摘要: 研究了一种非放射性废钠销毁的方法。首先,将废钠燃烧生成钠的氧化物;再用水雾初步处理钠的燃烧产物;然后,用水喷淋的方法将全部燃烧产物转化成水溶液;最后,用酸中和成中性溶液。建立了相应的废钠销毁设施。实验结果表明:对于批处理量为20~30 kg的废钠销毁,排放到环境中的钠气溶胶浓度符合国际标准,氢爆得到有效控制。


    Abstract: A technique of non-radioactive waste sodium disposal was developed. Firstly, the waste sodium was formed into sodium oxide by burning, and the sodium oxide residue was treated by atomized water. Then, the residue was formed into solution by water flow. Finally, it was neutralized by acid. The facilities on disposal of sodium were set up. The results show that the concentration of sodium aerosol releasing to environment accords with international correlative criterion, and hydrogen detonation is controlled.


