
Development of Dosimetry Systems for Radiation Processing

  • 摘要: 辐射加工作为一种高效益、低能耗、对环境无污染的新工艺、新技术,已在世界范围内得到很大发展,而辐射加工剂量学是对辐射加工唯一通用而有效的质量控制手段。本文就辐射加工剂量学中涉及的量热法、电离法和化学法的研究进展分别进行了回顾,并着重介绍了几种重要的剂量体系。


    Abstract: Radiation processing is a new technology with high effect, low energy-consumption and no pollution to the environment. It keeps being developed very quickly throughout the world, in which radiation dosimetry is the only one universal and effective method for the quality assurance. This paper reviews calorimetry, ionometry and chemical methods that are related to the dosimetry for radiation processing. It also puts some emphasis upon several important dosimetry systems used in radiation processing field.


