
Characteristic Behavior of Pebble-Bed Modular High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor During Loss of Forced Cooling Accidents

  • 摘要: 利用高温气冷堆专用系统分析软件THERMIX程序,对球床模块式高温气冷堆(HTR-PM)失冷失压和失冷不失压事故的动态特性进行了研究,分析了堆芯功率、燃料最高温度及堆舱水冷壁余热载出功率等关键参数的变化过程,并对影响余热排出功率和燃料最高温度的不确定性进行了评价。研究结果表明,在失冷事故下,堆芯余热可通过热传导、辐射和自然对流等非能动方式传至最终热阱大气,燃料元件和压力容器等重要部件的最高温度均在设计限值内。这为HTR-PM保持模块式高温气冷堆固有安全性不变的同时实现单堆250 MW的功率方案奠定了基础,也为后续高温气冷堆电站示范工程进一步的深入设计研究提供了依据。


    Abstract: Based on the preliminary design of the Pebble-bed Modular High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTR-PM), two cases of loss of forced cooling accident (DLOFC and PLOFC) were studied by the help of the software THERMIX. The key parameters including reactor power, temperature distributions of the core and pressure vessel, and the decay power removal by the passive residual heat remove system (RHRS) were compared in detail. Some parameter uncertainties were analyzed in order to evaluate the safety margin of the maximal fuel temperature during LOFC. The calculated results show that, the decay heat in the LOFC accidents can be removed from the reactor core solely by means of physical processes in a passive way, so that the temperature limits of fuel and components are still obeyed, which can effectively keep the integrality of the fuel particles to avoid massive fission products release. It also illustrates that the HTR-PM can reach 250 MW reactor power per unit and still can keep the inherent safety, which will be helpful to the further detail design of the HTR-PM demonstrating power plant project.


