
Test for Drying Heavy Water System of Nuclear Reactor

  • 摘要: 为彻底干燥反应堆重水系统管道和设备,解决阀门阀体底部蓄水、干燥设备吹扫死角等干燥试验技术难点,采用干空气吹扫与抽真空结合的干燥方法、加热干空气和设备局部加热等措施,通过监测系统出口处空气露点变化和系统整体保真空试验,准确测定并确保了系统干燥程度达到要求。适量重水充入系统后,浓度微降0.02%,说明干燥有效、彻底。


    Abstract: In order to preventing water from commixing heavy water, the pipeline and equipments of the heavy water system must be dewatered before filling heavy water. The dewatering technology of combining hot air blowing method with vacuum-drying method was applied to dry the pipeline. Heating compressed air and local heating with electric heating belt were adapted, and the water dew point at the system outlet was detected, the maintaining vacuum test was performed in the drying process to assure the drying degree of the system meet the specification. The heavy water concentration filled in the drying system was reduced to be less than 0.02%, and it indicates this dewatering technology is effective for drying heavy water system of nuclear reactor.


