Unqualified Occurrences Finding and Dealing for Stainless Pipe Connection
摘要: 正在建造的试验装置循环系统共有20件406 mm×8 mm 90°弯头,材料为316不锈钢,是由两块厚度8 mm的轧制成半圆弧形的不锈钢板拼焊而成。在安装过程中,连续发现这些弯头的3个相关联的不符合项。本文分析了产生这3个不符合项的原因,并阐述了处理过程。Abstract: There are 20 bends of 90°, 406 mm×8 mm in the circulate system of some experiment units. Each bend is made by welding two plates of 316 stainless steel, which are rolled to semicircular-arc shape. During in the construction, three correlative unqualified occurrences were found about these bends. The cause of occurrences was analyzed and the dealing course modifying the shape for the third occurrence was described.