
Chemical Durability of Synthesized Sphene

  • 摘要: 以H2SiO3、CaCO3、TiO2为原料,通过固相法合成榍石,借助X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、原子吸收光谱(AAS)等分析手段,研究合成榍石的化学稳定性。结果表明,在pH为5~9的水溶液中,合成榍石具有良好的化学稳定性,温度和pH是影响1~21 d化学稳定性的重要因素;42 d Ca2+的浸出率比Ti4+的浸出率高2个数量级;在90 ℃、pH=7下,Ca2+和Ti4+的42 d归一化浸出率分别为3.33×10-3、1.33×10-5 g•m-2•d-1;在25 ℃、pH=7下,Ca2+和Ti4+的42 d归一化浸出率分别为1.52×10-3、3.05×10-5 g•m-2•d-1;在25 ℃、pH=3下,Ca2+的42 d归一化浸出率达到7.71×10-2 g•m-2•d-1。


    Abstract: The chemical durability of synthesized sphene, using CaCO3, TiO2 and H2SiO3 as raw materials by solid-state reaction, was researched by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and atom absorbing spectrum (AAS). The results indicate that the synthesized sphene has a good chemical durability in the aqueous solution whose pH value is 5-9, the temperature and pH of the solution have important influences to its chemical durability in 1-21 days. The nominalized leach rate of Ca2+ (42 d) is higher than Ti4+ about 2 orders of magnitude. When the pH is 7 at 90 ℃, the nominalized leaching rate of Ca2+(42 d) and Ti4+ (42 d) are 3.33×10-3 and 1.33×10-5 g•m-2 •d-1, respectively. When the pH is 7 at 25 ℃, the nominalized leach rate of Ca2+(42 d) and Ti4+ (42 d) are 1.52×10-3 and 3.05×10-5 g•m-2 •d-1, respectively. The nominalized leach rate of Ca2+ (42 d) is 7.71×10-2g•m-2•d-1, when the pH is 3 at 25 ℃.


