
Neutron Multiplication Formula With Temperature Feedback Under Large Step Reactivity

  • 摘要: 用有燃料温度反馈的中子倍增公式对输入大阶跃反应性的反应堆超瞬发临界变化过程进行研究。通过与经典中子动力学数值解法进行对比,计算结果基本一致;求得不同初始功率下反应性和功率的变化规律,并进行分析讨论,得出中子数与反应性在反应性大于缓发中子总份额时呈二次函数关系,其结论可作为弹棒事故等大阶跃反应性引入的反应堆安全分析的理论依据。


    Abstract: The prompt supercritical process of nuclear reactor while inserting large step reactivity was analyzed with neutron multiplication formula including temperature feedback. Comparing with classical theory, neutron multiplication formula with temperature feedback was proved properly. The relationship between reactivity and output power was derived, and the results were analyzed and discussed, which can provide an important theory for the safety analysis of the nuclear reactor while inserting large step reactivity, such as rod ejection accident. It is found that the relationship between the number of neutron and reactivity is quadratic function while reactivity is larger than quotient of delay neutron.


