
Sensitivity Measurement of 236U Using AMS Facility

  • 摘要: 长寿命放射性核素236U的半衰期为2.34×107a,主要来源是235U的中子俘获反应。加速器质谱法是目前测量236U灵敏度最高的方法。本工作利用意大利那不勒斯第二大学同位素研究环境与文化遗产中心的AMS装置测量236U的灵敏度,并分析了加速器质谱测量236U时本底的可能来源。初步结果表明,236U的灵敏度(236U/238U原子比)为(2.29±0.13)×10-10


    Abstract: The long-lived uranium isotope 236U (T1/2=2.34×107a) is mainly produced by 235U neutron capture. Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is presently the most sensitive technique for the measurement of 236U. The sensitivity of 236U AMS measurement was reported at the Center for Isotopic Research on Cultural and Environmental heritage (CIRCE) at the Second University of Naples, Italy. Also the possible sources of background for 236U AMS measurement were analyzed. The preliminary results indicate that the sensitivity of 236U at CIRCE is N(236U)/N(238U)= (2.29±0.13)×10-10.


