
Proton Radiation Effects of Charge-Coupled Device

  • 摘要: 利用2×6 MV串列静电加速器提供的1~10 MeV质子,开展了线阵电荷耦合器件辐射损伤效应的模拟试验和测量,研制了加速器质子扩束扫描装置及电荷耦合器件辐射敏感参数测量系统,建立了电荷耦合器件质子辐射效应的模拟试验方法,分析了质子注量、质子能量、器件偏置等对器件电荷转移效率和暗电流的影响。模拟试验结果表明,电荷转移效率随辐照质子注量的增加而下降,暗电流随辐照质子注量的增加而增大,在1~10 MeV质子能量范围内,质子能量越低,电荷转移效率的降低与暗电流的增加越显著。


    Abstract: The radiation experiment and measurement were carried out on linearity charge-coupled devices using 1-10 MeV proton provided by 2×6 MV tandem-accelerator of Peking University. The experiment simulation method was set forth on proton radiation effects on charge-coupled devices by accelerator. It was analyzed about the effects of proton fluencies and proton energy and biased cases of devices on charge transfer efficiency and dark current of devices under test. The result shows that charge transfer efficiencies decrease and dark currents increase with proton fluencies increasing and proton energy decreasing at range of 1-10 MeV.


