
Impact of Process Technologies on ELDRS of Bipolar Transistors

  • 摘要: 对具有相同制作工艺但NPN管的发射极面积不同以及LPNP管发射极掺杂浓度相异的两种不同类型的国产双极晶体管,在不同剂量率下进行辐射效应和退火特性研究。结果表明:晶体管类型不同,对高低剂量率的辐照响应也相异;不同发射极面积的NPN管的结果显示,发射极面积越小,损伤越大;不同掺杂浓度的LPNP管的结果则表明,轻掺杂的发射极比重掺杂的具有更高的辐射敏感性。对各种实验现象的损伤机理进行了较详细的分析。


    Abstract: Radiation effects under different dose rates and annealing behaviors of domestic bipolar transistors, with same manufacture technology, were investigated. These transistors include NPN transistors of various emitter area, and LPNP transistors with different doping concentrations in emitter. It is shown that different types of transistors have different radiation responses. The results of NPN transistors show that more degradation occurs at less emitter area. Yet, the results of LPNP transistors demonstrate that transistors with lightly doped emitter are more sensitive to radiation, compared with heavily doped emitter. Finally, the mechanisms of the difference between various radiation responses were analyzed.


