
Parametric Normalization for Full-Energy Peak Efficiency of HPGe γ-ray Spectra at Different Counting Positions

  • 摘要: 对体源的HPGe探测器全能峰效率与测量几何关系的有效作用深度(EID)原理进行了系统研究。通过对一定体积的体源进行的实验测量以及MCNP软件模拟实验,证明了EID原理在一定范围内亦适用于体源,推广了该原理的适用范围。此结论可用于体源的效率刻度工作中。


    Abstract: The application of effective interaction depth (EID) principle for parametric normalization of full energy peak efficiencies at different counting positions, originally for quasi-point sources, was extended to bulky sources (within 30 mm×40 mm) with arbitrary matrices. It is also proved that the EID function for quasi-point source can be universally used for cylindrical bulky sources with the geometric center as effective point source. In addition, the EID principle was theoretically verified by MCNP calculations.


