
He Release and Structure Evolution of Aging Zirconium Tritide

  • 摘要: 实验测量了氚化锆时效过程中的3He释放以及结构变化。实验结果表明,面心四方结构ZrH1.801相的氚化锆在n(3Hegen)/n(Zr)小于0.27的时效期间,3He的释放系数处于10-6~10-5量级,生成的3He几乎全部被氚化物捕获。受季节温差的影响,3He的释放系数呈波浪式变化。随n(3Hegen)/n(Zr)的增加,氚化锆的晶胞体积经历了增大、维持恒定以及减小3种变化。


    Abstract: Helium release and structure evolution of Zr tritide with fct-ZrH1.801 phase were investigated. It proves that the 3He release fraction is between 10 -6 and 10 -5 while n(3Hegen)/n(Zr) is smaller than 0.27. The 3He generated is trapped deeply in the tritide. The release fraction varies in wave with the temperature change between summer and winter. X-ray diffraction results show that the cell volume experiences increase, invariablenes and decrease with the n(3Hegen)/n(Zr) increasing.


