
H2/O2 Deflagration Propagating in Vacuum Containment of Cold Neutron Source

  • 摘要: 若反应堆冷中子源真空筒热交换器中H2冷却剂泄漏与空气混合时,H2与O2发生爆炸,其冲击波将对真空筒完整性构成威胁。采用全尺寸模拟件进行实验,研究爆燃波对真空筒的冲击程度。比较在不同当量比和初压H2/O2混合物,在模拟件内点火引发爆燃,采用压力、火焰测量和数据采集系统,测量各测点的火焰及压力时间曲线。结果表明,低初压和化学当量比两种工况产生的冲击波和火焰均可通过真空筒点火端经狭缝进入到另一端,并形成强爆燃。对富油(即H2过剩)工况,管道只产生低速燃烧,无冲击波特征。


    Abstract: If liquid H2 inside the heat exchanger leaks to the vacuum containment of the cold neutron source, the shock wave from explosion of H2/O2 mixture may threaten the vacuum containment in a reactor. In order to know how the shock wave goes, a full-scaled experimental mockup device was made. H2/O2 mixture was filled into the mockup with different equivalent ratios and initial pressure. A spark igniter was located at the end of the mockup. The transient pressure and flame sensors and data acquisition system were used to record the pressure and flame histories at definite positions. The result shows that the deflagration can occur inside the vacuum containment for both low initial pressure and equivalent ratios cases. The shock wave and the flame will travel to another side of the vacuum containment by the way of the slot for both cases. What’s more, there only occurs low speed burning without shock wave if excess H2 is in the mixture.


