
Research on Ion-Atom Collisions Using Ion Beam From Accelerator

  • 摘要: 通过位置灵敏技术和飞行时间法,利用加速器产生的离子束研究中低能低电荷态Xq++B(X=C,O;q=1,2;B=Ne,Ar)的碰撞反应,分析研究了碰撞过程中的转移电离与单电子俘获。对于确定的电荷态,给出了转移电离与单电子俘获截面比值R随入射离子能量变化的规律与单电子电离随能量的变化规律之间的相互关系,同时通过实验数据分析、理论计算及模型对比给出R的峰位的近似表达式。


    Abstract: Ionization involving the charge transfer and single capture processes, in Xq++B (X=C, O;q=1, 2;B=Ne, Ar) collisions in medium-low energy were investigated using the ion beam of accelerator by the position sensitive and time-of-flight techniques. The experimental results indicate that for a given charge state of the incoming projectiles the ratios R of the transfer ionization to single capture change strongly with the projectile energy and correlate to the direct single-electron ionization in the collision. Meanwhile, the peak-position of R is formulated through the experimental analysis, the theorical calculation and the model comparison.


