
Measurement of 176Hf(n, 2n)175Hf Cross Section

  • 摘要: 采用相对测量技术,以活化法对13.4~14.8 MeV范围内的176Hf(n,2n)175Hf反应截面进行了测量。样品固定在距离D-T中子源20 cm处的圆环的不同位置上进行中子辐照,采用93Nb(n,2n)92Nbm作为监测反应,活化产物采用高纯锗探测器进行了测量,所得14 MeV附近的176Hf(n,2n)175Hf反应截面实验值为(2 100±85)mb,对实验结果与公开文献值和ENDF/B6.8评价库数据进行了比对。


    Abstract: Measurements of 176Hf(n, 2n)175Hf cross sections were carried out in the range of 13.4-14.8 MeV using the activation method and relative measurement technology. The samples were irradiated at the various positions on the ring of a 20 cm radius centered at the D-T neutron source. The 93Nb(n, 2n)92Nbm reaction was used to monitor the neutron flux in the target samples. The (n, 2n) products were measured using calibrated high pure Ge detector. 176Hf(n, 2n)175Hf cross section is (2 100±85) mb at 14 MeV. The results were presented and compared with the references’ results and ENDF/B6.8 evaluations.


