
Prompt γ Energy Spectrum by Associated Particle Technique

  • 摘要: 采用伴随γ粒子符合方法测量了水、石墨、液氮样品的16O、12C、14N核素以及硝铵、三聚氰胺、尿素和模拟样品的D-T中子作用的非弹瞬发γ谱,利用反卷积对化合物的脉冲幅度谱进行了解谱,实验获得的元素份额与其化学成分比在10%内相符。


    Abstract: The basic principle of associated alpha particle technique and the measurement system were introduced. The characteristic prompt gamma-rays coming from water, graphite, liquid nitrogen, ammonium nitrate, melamine and simulated samples induced by D-T neutron from generator were gained by single alpha particle detector and gamma-ray detector. The complex gamma-ray spectra were deconvolved. The element ratio between the experiment and chemic molecular formula is agreement in 10%。


