
Measurement of Sulfur Gamma Spectra Under 252Cf Neutron

  • 摘要: 利用瞬发γ中子活化分析技术对不同质量的单质硫进行了定性测量,实验使用的是252Cf源和6″×6″ NaI探测器,测量时间为1 200 s。实验结果表明:测量得到的硫元素的瞬发γ特征峰十分明显,元素特征得到了体现,证明该测量系统可对物料中的硫元素含量进行分析。


    Abstract: The different mass of sulfur was qualitatively measured with prompt gamma neutron activation analysis. 252Cf source and 6″×6″ NaI detector were used for 1 200 s. The experimental results show that the prompt gamma characteristic peak of sulfur is very obvious. It indicates that the measure system can analyze the content of sulfur in materiel.


