The crystal structures and magnetic properties of DyxEr5-xSi3 compounds were studied by X-ray powder diffraction and magnetic measurements. The main results show that the crystal structures of all DyxEr5-xSi3 (x=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) compounds are Mn5Si3 type with space group of P63/mcm. With Dy concentration increasing, the unit cell volumes increase. The magnetization curves apparently indicate that DyxEr5-xSi3 (x=0, 1, 2) and DyxEr5-xSi3 (x=3, 4) exhibit antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic behavior respectively. The Weiss temperatures are positive except Er5Si3. Moreover, the magnetic ordering temperatures obey De Gennes’ law although the magnetic properties are affected by different magnetic atoms and the interaction among them.