
Simulations of Overall Flow in Gas Centrifuge Considering Feed Jet

  • 摘要: 为研究供料射流对离心机分离功率的影响,采用DSMC(Direct Simulation Monte-Carlo)方法和基于Navier-Stokes方程的CFD方法的耦合迭代计算来模拟离心机全流场。在稀薄气体流动区域使用DSMC计算,在连续流动区域使用CFD计算。运用耦合计算方法模拟考虑供料射流的二维轴对称流动模型。计算得到了不同流域中的流动分布,并得到了相应的分离功。计算结果表明:耦合计算方法对二维离心机全流场的计算是有效的。


    Abstract: A coupled method for the numerical solution of the flow in rapidly rotating gas centrifuge was presented. An iteration process of DSMC and CFD was performed to analyze the overall flow in radial direction, in which DSMC was adopted to simulate the rarefied region, and CFD was adopted to the counter-current of gas centrifuge to discrete the model equations. It was applied to simulate the 2D symmetrical flow model considering the rarefied region with the feed jet flow. A series of illustrative numerical examples were given. The flow structures of the feed jet in the rarefied gas flow region were shown. The results suggest that DSMC CFD coupled method is competent to the simulations of overall flow in a gas centrifuge.


