Absolute Measurement of Uranium Concentration in Solution by Combining Liquid Scintillation Counting and α Spectrometry
摘要: 液闪α能谱法是一种将液闪法和α能谱法的优点有机结合在一起对α核素进行绝对测量的新方法。本工作用该方法分析了简单铀溶液样品中的铀含量(质量浓度),分析结果与标准溶液标称值符合良好。该方法有望用于分析环境样品中的铀含量。Abstract: The new approach of absolute measurement combining liquid scintillation counting (LSC) and α spectrometry has taken advantages of high counting efficiency (nearly 100%) of LSC for α radiation and high energy resolution of α spectrometry. Good agreement is achieved for standard uranium solution between nominal value and that obtained by this new approach. This approach is promising to be used to determine uranium concentration in environmental samples.