
Determination of Nitric Acid in Water by Nitric Acid Near Infrared Spectroscopy

  • 摘要: 运用中波近红外光谱仪(光栅分光,InGaAs检测器),采取平移、平滑、求导等光谱数据预处理方法,用偏最小二乘法进行统计分析,建立了水溶液中的硝酸浓度的近红外快速分析测定模型。其预测结果与国标方法相比相关系数R=0.999 7,检出限为0.03 mol/L,测定浓度范围在0.10~3.00 mol/L,精密度相对标准偏差小于5%。该方法简单、快速,无需消耗任何试剂,可满足现场快速分析的需要。


    Abstract: The paper used near infrared spectroscopy (Grating, InGaAs detector), with translation, smoothing, derivative and partial least-squares regression, then a determination mode of nitric acid in water was established. The prediction results compare with the international standard method, the correlation coefficient R is 0.999 7, and the minimum detectability is 0.03 mol/L, measurement range is 0.10-3.00 mol/L, RSD<5%. The method is simple and rapid, it does not need much chemical reagents, and it can also be suitable for fast determination in worksite.


