Theoretical Study on Mechanism and Kinetics for Reaction of LiD With H2O
摘要: 在6-311G(d)水平下,采用微扰理论的MP2方法,研究了LiD与H2O的反应。结果表明,反应存在两个通道:LiD+H2O→LiOH+HD(R1);LiD+H2O→LiOD+H2(R2)。298 K下,两通道的势垒高度分别为9.31和195.08 kJ/mol,反应速率常数分别为1.88×1010和3.74×10-26(mol•dm-3)-1•s-1。Abstract: The reaction of LiD with H2O was investigated by disturbation theory at the MP2/6-311G(d) level. Two channels were identified: LiD+H2O→LiOH+HD (R1); LiD+H2O→LiOD+H2 (R2). The energy barriers are 9.31 and 195.08 kJ/mol, the rate constants are 1.88×1010 and 3.74×10-26 (mol•dm-3)-1•s-1 for R1 and R2, respectively.