
Catalytic Activity of Pt/C Catalysts to Isotopic Exchange Reaction Between Hydrogen and Water Vapor

  • 摘要: 采用并流法研究了用不同活性炭担体制备的Pt/C对H2(g)/HDO(v)体系的催化性能,得出Pt/C对氢-水同位素交换反应的活化能为41.3~42.4 kJ•mol-1。实验结果表明,采用表面改性活性炭制备的Pt/C对H2(g)/HDO(v)的催化活性比未经改性活性炭制备的Pt/C高出1倍,但两者对水蒸气均为0.77±0.05级反应,其活化能也基本相等,说明活性炭担体表面改性未改变Pt/C对氢-水同位素交换的反应机理。


    Abstract: The catalytic activities of various Pt/C catalysts to hydrogen-water isotopic exchange reaction were measured by method of co-current flow for hydrogen and water vapor and compared with Pt/SBD catalyst. Experimental results for H2-HDO reaction show that surface modification of carbon supports improve the activity of Pt/C catalysts nearly by a factor of two, but all of the Pt/C catalysts have the same reaction order of 0.77±0.05 to the reactant of water vapor and the same activation energies, which are much lower than those ones of unsupported platinum catalysts. This suggests that support modification don’t change the reaction mechanism and activity increase is owing to the increased dispersion of platinum.


