
Experimental Study of Cleaning Reagent on Decontamination of Primary Loops of Reactor

  • 摘要: 针对反应堆一回路堆外系统进行了清洗去污配方研究。分别进行了主剂、侵蚀剂及缓蚀剂选择实验,确定了清洗主剂为10% HNO3、侵蚀剂为KMnO4、缓蚀剂为苯并三唑。以清洗时间、转速、侵蚀剂及缓蚀剂添加4种因素进行了正交试验,得到了1Cr18Ni9Ti在该清洗剂体系下的主要影响因素、最优清洗配方和工艺条件。


    Abstract: The cleaning reagent on decontamination of the primary loops of reactors was studied. For rapid erosion of basic material, the composition of destroyable decontamination reagent and chelating agent were done. The test for primary reagent and selection experiment of erosion reagent were done. KMnO4 was selected for decontamination reagent and the concentration and flow velocity were tested. According to the whole experiment the factors on decontamination of the primary loops and the best cleaning reagent were ascertained.


