Pre-treating Techniques of Aluminium Alloy Samples in Reactor for Measuring 63Ni
摘要: 为建立反应堆铝合金样品中63Ni活度测量的方法,研究了铝合金样品的前处理程序。对几种溶样方法进行了对比,并通过各种条件实验,最终确定了阴离子交换吸附、氢氧化物沉淀离心分离和丁二酮肟络合、甲苯萃取的样品前处理方法。通过全程回收率实验,Ni的化学回收率达70%以上;进行了Co、Fe、Sr和Cs等离子的去污实验,该化学分离流程对Co离子的去污系数为103以上,对Cs、Sr离子的去污系数为103左右,对Fe离子的去污系数为102左右。Abstract: In order to develop a method of measuring 63Ni in aluminium alloy samples in reactor, a pre-treating technique of aluminium alloy samples was established by contrasting the ways of dissolving the samples, as well as the different conditions of ion exchange and extraction. Chemical yield of this method is beyond 70%. Decontamination factor is beyond 103 to Co, 103 to Cs and Sr, and 102 to Fe.