
Choice of Sorbent Used for Treatment of Radioactive Wastewater Containing Cesium by Membrane Process

  • 摘要: 在含铯废水无机离子交换吸附-微滤膜处理工艺的吸附剂研究中,以134Cs为示踪剂研究了蒙脱石、蛭石及亚铁氰化锌钾对Cs的吸附效果以及体系各种因素对吸附的影响。依据研究结果,结合絮凝沉淀和中空纤维膜微滤一体化处理工艺(CMF)运行参数,从中筛选出亚铁氰化锌钾作为含铯废水膜处理工艺中的吸附剂,初步确定吸附剂投加量为0.33 g/L。


    Abstract: The adsorption capability of 134Cs by montmorillonite, vermiculite and zinc ferrocyanide and the effect of different conditions on the adsorption were studied in the choice of the sorbent used for the treatment of radioactive wastewater containing cesium by inorganic ion exchange-microfiltration membrane process. According to the result and run parameters of the coagulation and micro filtration combined technological process (CMF), zinc ferrocyanide was screened out to be the sorbent used for the treatment of radioactive wastewater containing cesium by membrane process and the dosage is 0.33 g/L.


