
Radioactive Wastewater Treatment by Pilot Two Stage Reverse Osmosis Membrane System

  • 摘要: 采用处理量为200 L/h的膜处理中试实验装置研究了硅藻土过滤器+两级反渗透膜+离子交换系统在放射性废水处理中的应用,重点考察了各级出水电导率和放射性活度的去除效率,并比较了不同进水水质时出水的电导率和放射性活度变化。实验结果表明,第一级和第二级反渗透膜对放射性核素的去除效率为95%~98%,两级反渗透膜的总去除效率大于99.9%。实验结果同时表明,对于放射性活度浓度为32 290 Bq/L的原水经上述系统处理后其放射性活度浓度低于1.1 Bq/L。


    Abstract: The diatomite filter + two-stage reverse osmosis membrane + ions exchange system in the application of radioactive waste treatment were studied by 200 L/h pilot system. The remove efficiencies for radioactivity and conductivity were mainly studied, and the removal efficiencies of different inlet water were compared. The experimental results show that the removal efficiency of radioactivity for the first and second stage RO membrane is 95%-98% and the removal efficiency of radioactivity for the two stage RO membrane is higher than 99.9%. Experimental results also show that the outlet through the system is lower than 1.1 Bq/L for wastewater with radioactivity of 32 290 Bq/L.


