
Temporal Sealing Material of Tritium-Contaminated Stainless Steel

  • 摘要: 在对氚污染不锈钢进行去污、解体时,污染物表面的氚极易因轻微扰动而逸出。为防止氚的这种扩散给环境和工作人员带来二次污染,在其表面覆盖一层对氚具有阻挡作用的涂层、内部填充一种对氚具有阻挡作用的填充物是很有必要的。对中性硅酮胶和泡沫混凝土封氚效果进行了研究,结果表明:静态条件下,中性硅酮胶膜的封氚率>85%;动态条件下,自制泡沫混凝土的封氚率>99%。中性硅酮胶膜和泡沫混凝土对氚污染样品均具有较好的封闭效果,可作为氚污染部件去污、解体时的暂时性封闭材料。


    Abstract: Tritium can be released from the exterior of tritium-contaminated stainless steel by slight stirring while decontaminating and disassembling. In order to avoid secondary tritium contamination to environment and operators, it is necessary to cover with an effective coating to tritium on the exterior of tritium-contaminated stainless steel and fill an effective substance to tritium inside. The results of tritium sealed experiments show that sealing efficiency of neutral silicone rubber is more than 85% for condition of static state and more than 99% for foam concrete condition of dynamic state. Neutral silicone rubber and foam concrete which have finer sealing efficiency can be used as temporal sealed material for the decontamination and disassembly of tritium-contaminated stainless steel.


