
Design and Analysis of Experiment for Simulating Primary Loop of Nuclear Power Plant

  • 摘要: 研究核电站特定运行工况下,一回路系统传热流动的规律。应用Ishii模化方法模拟压水堆核电厂的一回路系统,设计出主泵与关联系统耦合实验回路的主要热工参数。同时,应用机理性程序对设计的实验回路进行分析。结果表明,基于Ishii模化方法设计的实验回路主要参数合理可行;模型可以研究反应堆原型事故运行瞬态工况下,一回路各系统间传热流动相互影响规律。


    Abstract: In order to study heat transfer and mass flow of primary loop of nuclear power plant, under the specific operating conditions, a scaling method of Ishii was applied to simulate essential systems of primary loop of PWR, and main parameters of experimental loop coupling with pump and interconnected systems were obtained. Then, mechanistic analysis code package was applied to analyze the experimental loop. The results show that main designed parameters of experimental loop based on the scaling method of Ishii are reasonable and feasible, and the interaction of heat transfer and mass flow of primary loop systems of prototype, under the transient conditions, can be studied.


