
Technical Research on Experimental Simulation of Pipe Fluid Friction

  • 摘要: 针对热工水力学试验研究过程中经常遇到管道的形阻模拟摩阻问题,选择了恰当的形阻单元进行计算分析,获得了形阻单元的特性和局部参数对其特性的影响;利用κ-ε模型中的漩涡耗散ε项给于解释;给出了形阻单元串联模拟直管摩阻的方式,可趋近模拟直管摩阻特性,而使其长度缩短。为热工水力学试验研究过程中的实验模拟和数值模拟提供了有效的技术支持。


    Abstract: In some experiments about thermo-hydraulics, the problem using local resistance to simulate friction resistance is often meet. This paper choiced a special local resistance unit to calculate and analyse it’s performance for fluid resistance, got the characteristic and the parameters affection about the special local resistance unit; and explained the phenomenon by use of turbulence eddy dissipation epsilon of model κ-ε. It shows that the method uses special local resistance in series to simulate pipe fluid friction, to gain the same resistant characteristic closely, and to make the pipe shorter. So, the paper provides an efficient experimental technology support for thermo-hydraulics experiments.


