
Effect of Degree of Subcooling on Vapor Explosion

  • 摘要: 为了研究蒸汽爆炸的爆炸机理,设计建造了低温熔融金属入水碎化的可视化实验装置,采用高速摄像仪拍摄记录熔融金属液柱入水爆炸或碎化的过程。实验研究了冷却水温度对蒸汽爆炸的影响,实验结果表明:冷却水温度对蒸汽爆炸起抑制作用。为了验证该结论,进行了碎化实验。结果表明:冷却水温度对碎裂后颗粒直径范围影响明显,熔融金属液柱在温度高的冷却水中遇到的阻力小,碎裂的颗粒体表比越大,换热能力越弱。后者实验结果与前者相符。


    Abstract: In order to investigate the mechanism of the vapor explosion, an observable experiment equipment for low-temperature molten materials to be dropped into water was designed. In the experiment, molten material jet was injected into water to experimentally obtain the visualized information. This experiment results show that the degree of subcooling restrains the explosion. In order to validate the result by other aspects, the breakup experiment was conducted. Results show that the degree of water subcooling is important to melt breakup. High temperature of water is easy to increase the vapor generation during molten material falling, which decrease the drag and accelerated the molten material falling. At the same time, more vapor appear around the molten metal decrease the heat transfer amount between water and molten materials. The two experimental results coincide.


