
Influencing Factors Analyses of Marine Reactor SBLOCA Accident Processing

  • 摘要: 针对船用堆小破口失水事故处置复杂的特点,利用运行安全分析平台对事故进行了仿真研究,探讨了补水系统、危急冷却系统、二回路设备等对事故处置过程和后果的影响,为运行人员的处理和操作提供了参考,有助于失水事故应急处置规程的制定。


    Abstract: The processing of small break loss-of-coolant accident (SBLOCA) in marine reactor was complicated and using the operational safety analysis platform, LOCA was simulated. The effects of systems and components on the accident process and results were studied, including water fill-in system, emergency cooling system and components in the secondary loop. The research is helpful for the processing of the operator and the establishment of emergency regulations.


