
Severe Accident Progression Analysis Induced by LLOCA at Reactor Outlet Header

  • 摘要: 采用一体化分析程序建立了包括热传输系统、慢化剂系统、端屏蔽系统、蒸汽发生器二次侧系统的重水堆核电厂的严重事故分析模型。并选取出口集管发生双端剪切断裂的大破口失水事故(LLOCA),同时叠加低压安注失效,辅助给水强制关闭的严重事故序列进行热工水力分析。由于主热传输系统环路隔离阀的关闭,使得两个环路的热工水力响应过程不同。最终由于低压安注的失效,慢化剂系统逐渐被加热,最终导致堆芯熔化、排管容器蠕变失效。在LLOCA事故序列中叠加向排管容器中注水的缓解措施,可以终止事故进程,使堆芯保持安全、稳定的状态。


    Abstract: With an integral systems analysis computer code, the analysis model for CANDU station was built, which contains the primary heat transfer system, calandria vessel, end shield tank and the secondary sides of steam generators. The large break loss of coolant accident (LLOCA) at reactor outlet header with low pressure injection system failed and auxiliary feedwater closed was selected to make further thermal-hydraulic analysis. The accident progressions of the two loops of primary heat transfer system are different because the loop isolation valves are closed. With the failure of low pressure injection system, water in calandria vessel is boiled off and fuel bundles are heat-up. Consequently, the core is melt and collapsed into calandria vessel. At last the calandria vessel is melt-through. In the case of using injection into the calandria vessel as the mitigation measure for LLOCA, the core melting could be suspended.


